I used to be the most disorganized person ever. I still kind of am because I have a pile of clean clothes from forever ago still waiting to be put up, BUT my school life is organized down to the minute. I am a super procrastinator and I know myself better than anyone and know I need a set schedule or else it's never going to get done. I could have two months to do something and still put it off until 48 hours before it's due and say it's because I "work better under pressure". I for sure do, though. I use my notes app a lot on my phone to plan out my entire day. On Sunday's I plan out the week and put the basic stuff on there, classes, working out, etc. and I sprinkle in my assignments and when I need to do what. It helps keep me accountable and it also helps keep everything from jumbling together for me. That was the biggest thing for me whenever I first started college because I was taking so many hours at once and deadlines ran together and I would just completely forget about assignments.
In the article How to Beat Procrastination, there are a lot of good tips for procrastination but also what comes after the procrastination. Like I said before, I'm the queen of procrastination and I tried to dethrone myself and here I am still. Maybe one day. Whenever I do procrastinate, I usually feel guilty about it. I also get super stressed and wonder why I waited so long to just do it. It was nice how Caroline Webb said at the end of the article to just be kind to yourself. Take a deep breath and knock those to-do lists out one step at a time, no matter how big or small.
I chose the article How Checklists Train Your Brain To Be More Productive And Goal-Oriented to read and talk about next because of what I mentioned before. Checklists are my life these days and I really don't think I would be able to function without them. It sounds silly but nothing makes me feel more at peace than just having my week already planned out and knowing exactly what I need to do and where I need to be at any time of the day. I really related to this article because checklists really did make me more productive and goal-oriented and I'm happy I have something that helps me so much.
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