Introducing Me: The Most Indecisive Girl in Norman, Oklahoma

 When I first came to college, I had my heart set on a specific major and career path. Ever since I can remember I wanted to be a chemical engineer. It was my perfect major because I loved chemistry and I loved math, and it seemed to be a great mix of both. After a few years of taking chemical engineering classes (and making good grades), I quickly realized it wasn't the path for me. I liked the chemistry and math part but I didn't like the engineering part (which is apparently a big part of ENGINEERING! Who knew!) After that, I was kind of stuck.

If you know anything about me, you know that I don't make decisions very easily. They could be big decisions like where to attend college or small like should I wear my hair straight or curly today. I go back and forth between so many things on a daily basis it's a miracle I get anything done. When it came to the decision of if I wasn't going to be a chemical engineer, what was I going to be, it wasn't an easy choice. It probably wouldn't be an easy choice for anyone let alone the most indecisive girl in Norman, Oklahoma. I thought about computer science because I enjoyed coding and was pretty good at it. Once again, I looked at the long term and realized I would probably hate it in 5-8 years so I decided to keep trucking and find something else. I went to an advising appointment with my advisor Kendra and it all changed. She told me about a program at OU where you get to design your own major. It's called multidisciplinary studies and it seemed like such a great fit for someone like me. I didn't really know exactly what I wanted to do and figured I would give it a shot. I am now getting my Bachelor's of Science in Multidisciplinary Studies with a focus on Chemistry and Mathematics, my two favorite subjects. Sometimes things turn out okay, even if you never know what decision to make! Those decisions lead you to better ones and they make you who you are. 


  1. Hello Victoria!
    I'm also very indecisive, but I like to think of it more as being a careful decision maker. I think by being indecisive at the right times it can make life easier for you in the future because you have spent plenty of time just thinking, rather than making quick decisions.
    I have never heard of a multidisciplinary degree before, but it sounds like it is working great for you! Do you have any specific plans on what to do with that degree, are there a bunch of options?

    1. I hadn't heard of it either until recently! I'm thinking I want to be a laboratory scientist or maybe even a chemist! I'm open to anything.

  2. Hey Victoria! Fellow indecisive girl here :) I know it's always stressful to choose a path different than what you've been expecting for so long, but I'm glad it's working out for you, and that you didn't have to completely start over with a different major. When do you graduate, and what do you hope to do after with your degree?

    1. Hi Jana! I graduate in May actually! I'm thinking a laboratory scientist or a chemist, but I'm open to anything!

  3. Hey Victoria,
    I completely understand how stressful it can be being undecided. I have changed my major from english to psychology to finally asian studies. It takes time. I am happy you have chosen something that lines up with your interests so well! I see that you're graduating in May, congratulations for making it this far! I hope you enjoy this class! Good luck!

  4. Hi Victoria! Life is uncertain, and you are doing your best just figuring that out with the time that you have! Don't worry too much about figuring out the absolute perfect first job outside of graduation, I am also having a hard time so I am taking a gap year between graduating in may and attending law school in 2022. Sometimes taking a break and collecting your thoughts will help a lot of the issues that lie ahead.
    You're gonna figure it out, and kill it!

  5. Hi Victoria!
    I completely understand what you have been through. If you find comfort in anything, know that you are not alone in your journey and that many students experience what you have. I feel like we all question our major and what we want to do for the rest of our lives to some extent at one point. I feel like there is a lot of pressure to get it right the first time, but that is not the case at all! I am so glad that you have found a major that suits your passions. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors!

  6. Hi Victoria!
    I completely understand the struggle and stress of choosing a path different than what you thought you were going to pursue. I was so set becoming a lawyer and going into law school until last minute, a few weeks before classes started freshman year I felt that law wasn't for me and I should pursue medicine so I can somewhat relate. I personally think that we are always figuring out things in life and honestly we never have the answers to it all in life. I agree with you that at the end of the day things always work out and what's meant to be will be!

  7. Hey Victoria,

    I see that a lot of people entering into colleges and know nothing about the future that awaits for me. I was once like that as well. I knew what I wanted to do and eventually grew out of it and I agree with you that sometimes things turn out okay even if we don't know what decision to make and it is okay to take extra time to find out what we want to do, because after all we are the one that will enjoy the work that we will do and be happy with it at the end of the day. I am glad that you have found what you want to study and that is a great start.

  8. I started out in college as a math major, Victoria... and I still enjoy reading math books (not textbooks, ha ha, but books about math), even though I ended up switching majors around in college too and ending up studying languages and literatures. I am glad you found the do-it-yourself major; as you can maybe guess from the mix-and-match approach in this class, I definitely believe in the idea of people mixing-and-matching their own major, creating study paths and combinations that maybe no one has ever done before. I hope that learning about India and its traditions can add some good new things to your mix of studies! :-)

  9. Hi Victoria!
    I changed my major three times, and then I still couldn't decide, so I made my own. So, I get it!! But your major sounds awesome and very useful for so many different pathways. I think multidisciplinary studies is very similar to planned program, which is what I did, so we probably were thinking just about the same thing. Good luck!!!

  10. Hi Victoria! I also know a bit about not knowing what exactly you want to do and have changed my major a few times. What you settled on sounds really good and interesting though! I love science personally and even enjoyed chemistry a bit. I have never liked engineering much though but I don't doubt you will enjoy what you do!

  11. Hello,
    As a premed student I completely understand what you are going through. For example, imposter syndrome is something we go through alot. As far as jobs go, do your part and do not overthink it because it will come to you eventually. You will figure out what you want to do and just know that everything has a way of falling into place! I wish you best and I think you will do great. It was a pleasure to meet you!

  12. Hi! That is awesome that you created your own major! I never even knew about this program. It is perfect because you are able to tailor your interested to create a program specific to you. While I personally do not have a science or math brain, I applaud you for that. It is great to hear that everything fell into place!

  13. Hey Victoria!

    I am really glad that you figured it all out. I was once in your shoes. I thought I wanted to be an engineer, but after a semester in, I decided that I did not like the engineering part as well. I changed my major at least five times. I finally decided on psychology and with an emphasis on nursing. I could not be happier! Sometimes things happen for a reason, and it is not always bad.


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